Sunday, July 24, 2016

Day 1: Traveling to Salt Lake City.

Day 1:  We had to drive to Atlanta to catch our flights that would eventually take us to Salt Lake City.

We really timed our flights really well this time.  I mean, we had to get up early, but not crazy early.  We hit Atlanta traffic, but not crazy traffic.  

There was a ton of traffic at the airport so parking was hard.  Checking in and the TSA lines weren't that bad.  Got to ride the airport train and even had time for a starbucks!

Andy was more willing to travel this time, but less willing to take pictures.  Everything worked out so well, we had some time to wait at the gate.

Since this was Southwest, we had to connect, and it was a surprise to see that we would be connecting through Dallas Love Field!  When we move from there Southwest had just won the court battle to have "long haul" flights from this airport.  I guess it was going well.  This was NOT the Love Field of 10 years ago.  We had our pick of Dallas restaurants and ended up at Catina Laredo.  They had charging stations at the tables!! 

This was Mark's lunch.  It was awesome.  I got a salad and it was fine.

They had all these activities in the airport.  Kids could make buttons and there was a live band.  What???

We finally arrived at Salt Lake City and took our airport shuttle to the Crystal Inn and Suites.  And the kids  were so excited to see.........

Oh, our neighbors who we literally see practically every day.  They got down to business to play Super Fight.  Hit a local brewery a short walk from the hotel for dinner and the whole gang was there, including my parents who again live 20 minutes away from us in SC.  So neat to see everyone in a different time zone! 

The weather in Salt Lake City was hot, but dry and honestly, it felt pretty good.  Another funny thing is that the sun didn't set until like 9:30 so these east coasters stayed up way later than they should have!

It was a great first day!  Everything worked out so far!!

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