Monday, October 21, 2013

Peanut Butter Ninjas

 Andy is so funny.  He really doesn't like to do anything, but every year, he always insists that he wants to play soccer.  We ask him, "really? because last year it didn't seem like you liked it." but he always ends up getting signed up.  I got signed up as well.  I actually volunteered to be the assistant coach, but so did my assistant coach, so I kind of took over.  Oops.  At any rate, we started off pretty rocky.  I mean, the kids had fun, but it was crazy.  We ended up with a lot of kids that we already knew and that already knew each other.  This is good and bad.  Then there is Andy.  He really started off in his own little world, crying on the sidelines because he didn't get his way, or he didn't want to play.  By the end of the season, he ended up scoring several goals and being aggressive.  

He got the award for Most Improved, but I'm not sure it means anything since he was related to the coach.  ;)

The rest of the team did pretty well also.  I'm relying on pictures that other parents took and put on facebook.  This was a different league then we have played in before.  They had much nicer fields and bleachers.  However, we played 3 vs 3.  This is really great because it allowed every player to get touches because there is no where for weaker players to hide.  There is also no place for the stronger players to hide, and it was tough figuring out how to challenge those players.

I worked a lot on teaching them DO NOT kick the ball in the center when you are on defense.  They didn't always listen.  We did pretty well, I don't think we won every game, but we didn't lose every game either.  The kids had fun and we survived the season!

 Ready, Set, PEANUT BUTTER!!

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