Sunday, May 22, 2016

Day 4: Grand Canyon!

We stayed in the Bright Angel Lodge which was CHEAP and right on the edge of the canyon.

We actually had to get two rooms because they only allow up to three people in a room.  I did some searching to see if we could sneak in an extra kid but I came to the conclusion that it would be a tight fit.  We got two rooms.  Got up, dressed, and walked to the lodge and had breakfast.  I do want to say that I got in the habit of having a big breakfast everyone morning. YUM!  Then we headed out.

The national park doesn't want hordes of people driving all over the park so they actually have a semi-decent bus system to get you around.  It worked ok.  We took it to the visitor center and then to another overlook on the rim.  We heavily bribed Andy for a good picture with the promise of a souvenir!

James really had a ball.  He said "in shout to the lord when they say the mountains bow down to the sea at your name, I think they were talking about the Grand Canyon"  Its a little cheesy but still cute.

That got James a souvenir.  He picked a hiking hat:

From there we took the "Trail of Time" which was perfect for our family.

We started Andy on a heavy dose of snacks to improve his mood:

We went back to the rooms for lunch (sandwiches!)  and took the shuttles to Hermits Rest, getting out periodically on the way.  I do have the say, that this sounded lame to me at the time, and writing it now, still sounds lame, but but going through it, every angle of the canyons was cool and amazing.  Apparently I didn't take any pictures, but James got the selfie of us at Hermits Rest:

After this Andy was kind of done.  He needs to recharge so I stayed back at the room with him:

James went and got a junior ranger badge!

Mark tried to get away for a bit and hit the Bright Angel Trail, but James was so into it he really wanted to go to.  They didn't make it very far before it got hot and well, had to come back.  I think about this point someone noticed James's Clemson Z Run shirt and said, "hey, I went to Clemson"  They were another family of 4 from Charlotte, but had an 18 month old.  I don't think they slept as well and had to worried about the baby toddling over the side.  Andy is grumpy, but he isn't that bad!

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